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Welcome to Signal and Information Group!


The Signal and Information Group (SIG) of University of Maryland, College Park, is led by Professor K. J. Ray Liu with research interests encompassing a broad spectrum of signal processing and communications, including wireless communications; network science; multimedia signal processing; information forensics and security; bioinformatics; and signal processing algorithms and architectures.
Over the past three decades, SIG has made pioneering and significant research contributions in the development of
  • Cooperative communications and networking
  • Cognitive radio communications, networking, and security
  • Game theory for resource allocations and wireless networking
  • MIMO, space-time-frequency coding, network coding for wireless communications
  • Social learning, social network analytics, and behavior dynamics
  • Key management for secure group communications
  • Multimedia fingerprinting and traitor tracing
  • Information forensics
  • Network security
  • Signal and image processing for biomedical and bioinformatics
  • Parallel algorithms and architectures for signal processing
As a group, we have received more than a dozen of recognitions in terms of best paper and invention awards. With over 60 Ph.D. alumni, of which eight of them are now IEEE fellows, most of whom are active members of major universities, industrial institutions, or entrepreneurs with innovative start-ups worldwide.
Our current research focus is to develop smart radios technology to be able to conduct radio analytics to decipher our environment as a sixth sense to understand human activities through the walls, houses, city, without seeing.
We developed the world's first ever centimeter-accuracy wireless indoor positioning systems that can offer indoor GPS-like capability to track human or any indoor objects without any infrastructure, as long as WiFi or LTE is available. This is a problem the whole world has been trying to solve but unable to for over thirty years until now. Such a technology forms the core of a smart radios platform that can be applied to smart home/building/city, monitoring/security, radio human biometrics, vital signs detection, wireless charging, and 5G communications, just to name a few.
In essence, in the future of wireless world, communications will be just a small component of what's possible. There are many more magic-like smart applications that can be made possible. And we are making possible for many exciting things that were considered impossible before.